UGA Recruiting: Georgia Made a Major Move for This Talented Defensive Lineman on His Last Visit

“I have LSU, Ohio State, Oregon, and USC set (for official visits),” Odom told DawgsHQ. “Before the visit, I didn’t have Georgia in there, but I am planning to fit in another weekend for a UGA visit. I’m looking at a date in May…It (changed how I saw them). It boosted my liking of them heavily.”

“The day was great. On Friday, I was able to spend quality time with Coach [Tray] Scott, and he toured me around campus, talked ball, chilled, went to eat, and just got to build our relationship. On the day of practice, I was able to see the flow and see how Coach Kirby [Smart] and Coach Scott teach and coach their players,” Odom said. “After, I got to hang with the players and just talk with them, and I talked to Coach Kirby briefly, too. I was there with my parents, and we got to spend more of our 1-on-1 time with Coach Scott and (defensive line assistant) Coach [Dayton] LeBlanc.”