Georgia Mourns Loss of Devin Willock and Chandler LeCroy

This one is hard. Just when you think you have everything figured out, tragedy strikes and puts things into perspective. The game of football has brought all of us together in different ways. We watch and cheer as our Dawgs hit the field every Saturday. We scream and celebrate as the players showcase their athletic abilities Between the Hedges.
Some know these guys by their number and position. We talk about roster spots and how many players we have at a certain position. Those that follow recruiting view these kids by the amount of stars they have beside their names. We list them by position groups and talk about who can come in and replace the outgoing players.
Days like today remind us that these football players are more than just the numbers on their backs. They’re more than just a roster spot. They’re more than just football players. Football is what they do. It’s a part of their lives. They are students, they have friends, they are real people with real families. It’s hard to remember that sometimes as we cheer them on, but days like today not so gently remind us that life is bigger than national championships.
The Georgia football family is mourning the loss of two of our own, Devin Willock and Chandler LeCroy. More importantly, their families are mourning the loss of two very young people with their entire lives ahead of them. The two were involved in a car accident early this morning. Willock passed away at the scene, while LeCroy passed away after being transported to a local hospital.
Statements were made by the university, Kirby Smart, athletic director Josh Brooks and President Jere Morehead:
UGA Athletic Association
“The entire Georgia family is devastated by the tragic loss of football student-athlete Devin Willock and football staff member Chandler LeCroy. Two other members of the football program were injured in the accident. They are both in stable condition, and we will continue to monitor their status with medical personnel.
“Devin and Chandler were two special people who meant so much to the University of Georgia, our football program and our athletic department. We ask that everyone keep their families in your prayers during this very difficult time.
“The UGA Athletic Association will work with our medical team as well as our mental health and performance personnel to make sure we are providing the best support possible for our staff and student-athletes who are processing this grief. We can provide no further comment at this time but ask that everyone continue to keep those involved in your prayers.”
Kirby Smart
“We are all heartbroken and devastated with the loss of Devin Willock and Chandler LeCroy,” Smart said. “Devin was an outstanding young man in every way. He was always smiling, was a great teammate and a joy to coach. Chandler was a valuable member of our football staff and brought an incredible attitude and energy every single day. We grieve with their families for this tragic loss and will support them in every way possible.”
Josh Brooks
“We are covering the families of Devin Willock and Chandler LeCroy in prayer this morning. We are deeply saddened on the tragic loss of Devin and Chandler, and we will continue to honor their memory in the years to come. These two special people meant the world to our football program and athletic department. We are working with our medical staff and mental health and performance team to ensure our staff and student-athletes have all the support they need during this extremely diffifult time.”
Jere Morehead
“On behalf of the University of Georgia, our entire campus grieves for the loss of two young members of our campus community—student-athlete Devin Willock and football staff member Chandler LeCroy,” Morehead said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends. We also pray for the full recovery of those injured in this tragic accident.”
Our thoughts and prayers are first and foremost with the families, and also with their friends, team, and co-workers.