UGA Recruiting: Looks Like Big Offensive Lineman Was Impressed With How Georgia Treated Him

“It was crazy, man. We got to the hotel, and there was a bunch of the staff and recruiting staff there, and then, we went up to the hotel room. So far, Georgia has gotten the best hotel room for me. It was crazy,” Umarov told DawgsHQ.

“There was so much stuff, from cookie cake to just everything I listed that I like. They had Capri Suns, a jug of sweet tea, a bunch of pictures of me and my family, and all the Dawgs sayings. They had that gigantic cookie cake, though,” Umarov said. “It was like twice the size of my face. It was huge. Right off the bat, that kicked it off, and I was just like, ‘Wow.’ It was the same exact energy for my family, too. My mom, sister, and grandma got kind of the same exact room, and it was awesome.”