Looks Like UGA Could Lose One to the Transfer Portal

Despite rumors going around and the probability that UGA will lose at least one player to the transfer portal, that player WILL NOT be MJ Sherman.

One reason this slow time of the year sucks so bad is that the rumors run rampant. The latest was a big one.  It went from UGA losing a defender to the transfer portal to UGA losing MJ Sherman to the transfer portal.

While we are told that Sherman may not necessarily be happy with his spot in the depth chart right now, he doesn’t blame the coaches. I was told the rumor probably started from him voicing some type of frustration to teammates and the rumor just getting bigger from there.

Again, at worst it’s just a younger player not used to not playing and nothing serious.

Now, the next rumored is Major Burns. This is a name multiple people have mentioned as considering a transfer. If you remember, he came very close to making that decision once already. 

EDIT – one to really watch is Daran Branch, who may be quitting football altogether. I’d really keep an eye on this one.

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