UGA Football: Frierson Chats With Mark Webb

Mark Webb always has something interesting to say. The Georgia defensive back is among the most chatty players on the team, and he’s been that way throughout his Bulldog career. His teammates frequently mention him, along with Richard LeCounte, when asked about the funniest guys on the squad.
Webb, a senior from Philadelphia, spent the previous three seasons playing alongside his cousin, running back D’Andre Swift, who is now in the NFL. While Swift is a rookie with the Detroit Lions, Webb is still a Bulldog and still making plays, like his first career interception last Saturday in Georgia’s win over Auburn.
During a Quick Chat after practice Tuesday, Webb talked about his first pick, what he did during quarantine, growing up in Philadelphia, and much more. Here’s some of what he had to say:
Frierson: What was it like to be back playing a game in Sanford Stadium on Saturday?
Webb: It was amazing, the atmosphere was definitely amazing. Even though we can’t have all the fans in the stadium, it was definitely amazing to be back between the hedges. Just running out on the field, that never gets old.
Frierson: How good did it feel to get that first interception?
Webb: That felt great. I’ve been waiting for it, asking God for it, and just for it to finally come when my mom and dad were in the stands, it doesn’t get any better than that. I couldn’t ask for much more, I was definitely thankful for it.
Frierson: How did you spend your free time over the shutdown this spring and summer?
Webb: During the quarantine I usually just spent my time bettering myself and bettering my craft. When gyms and things shut down, I had to be able to motivate myself and put myself in a position to work out and find things like technology that could help me at the house. I did a lot of running, training and going to fields, just training and working on a lot of things that I’ve made mistakes on before.
Frierson: Is it a little weird not having D’Andre as a teammate this season?
Webb: It is weird because we always talked every day, and with him being here I’d always see him around. Sometimes it made things easier, he’d always remind me of stuff. It’s a huge difference now and I definitely feel it, but it’s just how it is now.
Frierson: Halloween is only a few weeks away, so what’s your favorite Halloween candy?
Webb: It’s definitely going to be Twizzlers all the way. The red ones — I don’t know about the black ones, I can’t do the black ones.
Frierson: What was your best Halloween costume?
Webb: I had a throwback, a 2003 rapper outfit that I put on. That was probably my best outfit and I wore that last year.
Frierson: What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? Is there one dining experience that stands out above the rest?
Webb: I’ve had a couple of different meals, but I’d say the best meal was on Christmas, with my mom and my uncle Darren, D’Andre’s dad, they put out a meal that is definitely top-notch on Christmas and Thanksgiving. It’s some of the best food you’ll have, by far.
Frierson: If you could travel anywhere in the world on somebody else’s dime, where would you like to go and who would you take with you?
Webb: The first place I would go is Brazil. I would take all my brothers, or the people I call my brother. I can’t just take one — if I take one I have to take all of them.
Frierson: What is it about Brazil?
Webb: I feel like it’s just nice over there. I realize that a lot of people don’t go there or talk about it that much, and I know it’s nice weather over there. I just don’t want to be where everybody else is at.
Frierson: I know you’re a great athlete and a sharp individual, but is there something you’ve tried to get good at and just never did?
Webb: I would have to say Madden (the NFL video game). I haven’t played in so long but it seemed like every time I picked up that controller to play Madden, I’d always get beat bad.
Frierson: How competitive are you when it comes to things like that? Do you let it get to you or are you able to not really care because it’s only a video game?
Webb: I’m very competitive in probably everything I do, so I try to stay away from it just because of that. I know how mad I get about things, and I know so many losses are going to get to me after a while.
Frierson: What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?
Webb: I really didn’t have a favorite toy. I just liked playing basketball. I always had a basketball court, like a Fischer-Price basketball goal, and that was probably my favorite thing.
Frierson: What was it like growing up in Philadelphia? Do you look back fondly on your childhood in Philadelphia?
Webb: It was definitely a growing experience. There are a lot of things that go on in Philly, tough people, tough times, and things like that made me who I am today. I wouldn’t change it for nothing because some of the things made me tougher. Coming to college and being in the real world now, Philadelphia groomed me to be able to handle those things today.
(This Q&A was lightly edited for length and clarity.)
Assistant Sports Communications Director John Frierson is the staff writer for the UGA Athletic Association and curator of the ITA Men’s Tennis Hall of Fame. You can find his work at: Frierson Files. He’s also on Twitter: @FriersonFiles and @ITAHallofFame.